Nourishing Magnesium Body Butter

DISCLAIMER: My content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am not a doctor so please always seek the advice of your personal physician or another qualified health provider.

Are you looking for a new way to deal with period cramps, sore muscles or sleepless nights? If so I definitely recommend you give this magnesium body butter a shot! This DIY activity is quick, easy and fun to make! Additionally, this makes for a wonderful homemade gift!

Working in the food service industry means that I am on my feet a lot. Therefore, if my feet hurt when I get home, I like to give myself a foot massage using this body butter. Not only does it reduce the aches but it helps me unwind. Period cramps suck, there’s no other way to say it. However my cramps suck way less when I use this on my lower abdomen. Not to mention I also sleep like a baby when I use this product regularly.


  • 1/2 cup melted cocoa butter
  • 1/2 sweet almond oil
  • 1/4 cup magnesium oil
  • 1 tbsp vodka, works as a preservative
  • Essential oils, optional


  1. In a small pot add a few inches of water and then warm over low heat. Place a few cubes of cocoa butter in a heat safe jar and add it to the pot. I like to use my Pyrex measuring cup. Keep adding cocoa butter till you have a 1/2 cup of melted cocoa butter.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and let cool in the fridge for about 30-35 minutes. It should look mostly solid but still thin.
  3. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer whip the cocoa butter till it starts to thicken. Slowly add the almond oil, magnesium oil, vodka and essential oil. Continue to whip till it’s light and fluffy. Only takes a few minutes.
  4. Transfer the body butter to clean jar and attach lid. Now it’s ready to use!


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