If pint after pint of beer and Shepherd’s pie isn’t speaking to you this St. Patrick’s Day, shake things up a bit by making a batch of my Lucky Pistachio Cake Cookies!
DISCLAIMER: You do not need to be of Irish heritage to enjoy these cookies.

Alternatively, if beer and Shepherd’s pie is speaking to you, you should still make a batch of my pistachio cake cookies. Both parties win! However, if you are planning on drinking make sure to be safe and drink responsibly. These cookies are also perfect to bring to school or work for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations!

- 1 box of your favorite white cake mix
- 3.4 oz box of pistachio pudding mix
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 cup grapeseed oil
- 1 cup white chocolate chips
- green food coloring

- Preheat oven to 350°F
- In a large mixing bowl add cake mix, pudding mix, eggs and grapeseed oil. Mix well. Add and mix drops of food coloring to cookie dough until you reach the shade of green you’re looking for. Fold white chocolate chips into the cookie dough.
- Lightly spray nonstick spray on a cookie sheet. Using an ice cream scoop, scoop the cookie dough and release it onto your cookie sheet.
- Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes.
- Let cookies rest on cookie sheet for at least 3 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack.
- Enjoy!! Allow to cool completely before storing away.

- Adding green food coloring to the cookie dough is completely optional! The pistachio pudding mix alone makes the dough green, the food coloring is just to intensify the shade!
- Each oven is unique! So be sure to keep an eye on the cookies to prevent burning!
- This is the cake mix that I like to use!
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